How to choose best drawing tablet for photoshop

Creating art began with a pencil and paper for most artists. Paint and the paintbrush were introduced further down in the art journey. And with many crumpled-up canvases and unfinished ideas, many potential masterpieces fell by the wayside. Although nothing can replace traditional art material, drawing tablets for beginners are efficient pieces of technology to expand your ideas and store … Continua a leggere

Top 12 Best Free Note Taking Apps & Software for Students

Note-taking is one of the best habits anyone can instill. The mere act of writing whatever you learn in lectures, seminars, and even life in general, can have a profound impact on your life. Taking notes manually on a book can for lectures or organizing ideas and important things can be quite difficult. Sometimes it isn’t easy to modify them … Continua a leggere

15 Best Free & Paid photo editors for beginners and professionals

Every moment in life is special, So we all want to capture those beautiful moments. “You not just click the moment we create a long-lasting memory”. Either you are clicking the shot by mobile camera phone or a DSLR, everyone needs a few changes in look so, if you really care how your photos look, you need to import them … Continua a leggere

12 Best Free & Paid 2D Animation Software for beginners and professionals

The animation industry is much in demand since a decade. It is because animation serves many purposes. It simplifies the message you want to convey, holds people’s attention better than other types of content and educates and entertains at the same time. 2D animation software have gained a lot of popularity and are being used in a wide range of … Continua a leggere